Four random things I like about my husband:
1. He always gives me a kiss goodbye before he leaves in the morning
2. He has made me french toast every sunday morning since i've been pregnant cuz that's what baby Zoey loves.
3. I love that he always calls and asks for permission to go golfing right as he's pulling up to the golf course, as if what my answer was made a differnce.
4. I love that everytime I run out of my allowence for the week, (which is every week) he can always justify why I should get $20 more dollars.
Four jobs I have had:
1. Mag Fresh
2. Gap
3. Insurance
4. Soon to be mom
Four movies I have watched more than once:
1. Walk the line
2. Dreamgirls
3. Braveheart
4. For love of the game
Four places I have lived:
1. Orem
2. Provo
3. AZ
4. The grove
Four TV shows I watch:
1. American idol, duh who doesn't
2. Prison Break
3. Rob and Big
4. Sportscenter, usually not by choice
Four places I have been:
1. Hawaii
2. Mexico
3. New York
4. San diego
Four people who email me:
1. Pottery barn
2. American Baby
3. Jenner
4. Toad
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Eggs
2. Diet coke (does that count?)
3. Steak
4. Mashed potatoes
Four places I would like to visit:
1. London
2. Australia
3. Boston
4. Thailand
Four things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
1. Toad coming home
2. Baby Zoey of course
3. Jessies baby (my sis in law)
4. Prison break to start up again
Four people I tag:
1. Savannah
2. Kass
3. Heather Benson
4. My sissy in laws, both of ya.
NICE. Now that wasn't too hard was it? :) If you don't want to be tagged, just say not it. I am sick of the bad attitude. ha
I remember when you used to bring an egg in your lunch everyday in elementary
hey i feel ya on the golf one and the allowance thing. Jake does the same thing :)
Of course diet coke counts! You really should come be one of the "mom's" at the old Gap.
Love it, girl how many times have you been tagged? Geez PS it was so good to see you the other night and yummy Tepanyaki
Let's get one thing straight you two, just cause you moved out of convict row does not mean you are too cool for us!
Oh yeah,we moved out too.
71 days...holy cow girl!
ok, I love your blog and now I will have to check up on you this way instead of just sending you random text messages! So much fun listening to you and Jenner kill it at AI karaoke, you two rule!
How cute is your blog....random how i found it!!! Anyway...HI PICKLE!!!! You're going to be a mom!!! So cool!!! Best wishes....was just talking about you the other funny!!
Hi megs! Thanks for your comment. You really need to update your blog. What do all day at DFI? You should be blogging not working.
Love ya!
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