So as you can clearly tell, i'm pretty lazy when it comes to blogging, so i've decided to do an updated post once a month, and inform those who care whats been happening for that month.
This policy will go into effect July 1st 2010. Thank you.
Well our Zo zo is getting bigger and cuter each day. She is doing the funniest things these days! ex.
1)when you tell her to do something she looks at you and says, "No Way!" Major attitude.
2)She finds mirror's wherever we go and has a full on conversation with herself. Nobody knows what she is saying.
3)She has a Buzz Lightyear obsession that's been going on for sometime now, and wants nothing to do with dolls, bows, anything girly. (that's not entirely true, she does have a baby doll that she kisses and rocks to sleep.) but that is the extent.
4)She know's all the animals and the noises they make.
5)She can count to five... but forgets three and four.
There are many more, but not enough time. She is so fun and we love her more all the time.
Other news includes...
-We got back from Chicago which was a success! We had so much fun with Puck, Jess, and JJ! I forgot my camera! duh! hence the lack of pictures from there, but it was fun nonetheless.
-Jenner tore out a wall in our master bath to make our shower bigger and I have to say, It was the biggest, fattest, mess ever but looks amazing! I'll post pics soon.
Other than that, not too much has gone on.
Enjoy the few, but random shots of Zo!

Her hair in a pony-tail, looks so cute, but lets be honest, we need to get some bangs on this cutie pie!!!

Just getting up in the mornin'

We went to the Living Planet Aquarium and she got to pet a Sea Ray. Or is it Sting Ray??? anyway she loved it.

She is feeding herself and things she is in charge at all times. I love that she crosses her ankles when she sits.

She loves, to read and often i'll find her sitting in this chair turning the pages, and reading books to herself!